Solar Panel Protection

Solar panels are the future of energy for many properties. They can save your household or business money on utility costs and are better for the environment. In fact, one of the few drawbacks to rooftop solar panels is how the gap between panels and the roof provides the perfect place for animals to live.

This small gap is usually a few inches tall, large enough for most wildlife pests in Yonkers. Protection from rain, snow, and wind, and ambient heat from the building and sunlight on the panels creates a warm safe space. Unfortunately, these animals are living between the wires and delicate inverters on the backs of solar panels, and a wrong move can do serious damage to the panels.

To help keep your solar panels safe, Yonkers Termite & Pest Control provides pest abatement for solar panels as part of the wildlife control in Yonkers. Our options are affordable and customizable, with solutions for solar arrays at homes, multi-family properties, commercial properties, and more. Eliminate the risk of solar panel damage from animals by calling us at (914) 295-0529.

Our Solar Panel Pest Abatement Services

Protection for solar panels can use a variety of methods, and what we choose for your property is based on the property type, local pests, size of the solar panel array, and your budget. We can inspect your rooftop solar panels to recommend which solutions will work best for you.

After an inspection, we will remove any animals or existing debris. While solar panel pest abatement will keep animals out, it will also trap pests inside. To avoid needlessly harming wildlife or having dead animals on your property, we either trap, exterminate, or wait for the pests to leave based on what species is there.

The first method of protection is usually called a critter guard. This is a narrow gauge, metal or plastic mesh. We install it by clipping the mesh to both the solar panels and the roof, physically blocking off the space beneath the solar panels. The narrow mesh and the close seal between the roof is too small for any animal to get through, but still enables air to circulate beneath the panels.

We rely on mesh that is waterproof, UV resistant, and properly secured in case of wind. Between the quality of the mesh and our experienced installation process, you can expect solar panel protection to last as long as your solar panels. It will also have a low profile appearance that is nearly invisible around the panels.

Bird deterrent kits will also keep birds off your roof and solar panels, including the tops and edges of panels. This can include items like bird spikes. We install stainless steel bird spikes on roofs, ledges, and the solar panel frames if necessary to make it impossible for birds to land there.

Critter guards for solar panels can also keep out leaves and other yard debris that solar panels might trap. The mesh on the critter guards is small enough to prevent most leaves and twigs from getting through, giving you additional protection from this type of debris.

Animals that Live Under Residential and Commercial Solar Panels

Nuisance wildlife is relatively common in Yonkers. Homes and businesses in the area offer sheltered spaces that protect small animals from inclement weather and predators. Most homeowners are familiar with the idea of a rodent infestation in their kitchen, but the space beneath a solar panel is also a perfect shelter for any animal that can get onto your roof. This includes:

  • Birds – Pigeons, starlings, and sparrows are the main nuisance bird species in Yonkers, and all three are small enough to get under solar panels and build a nest. Other birds may be frequently landing on rooftops and solar panels.
  • Mice and Rats – Mice and roof rats can climb to your roof. Mice in particular will build nests and chew on wires, but both can do damage through chewing and the collection of debris. They may also squeeze through vents, loose shingles, or damaged fascia and soffits to gain entrance to your attic.
  • Squirrels – Squirrels are expert climbers, so they have easy access to your roof if a tree or wire is nearby. ONce under your solar panels, squirrels may chew on wiring or build a nest to collect their food for the winter.

Having one animal underneath your solar panel is also likely to attract more. Birds may leave food behind that squirrels and rodents will sniff out. The food may also attract bugs. The majority of insects are too small to damage solar panels, but your roof may have small and unprotected holes they can use to get inside your home and cause an infestation.

How Animals Damage Solar Panels

The solar panels that power your home or business rely on many separate parts to work efficiently. Wiring, panels, casings, and inverters are all necessary to convert sunlight into power and deliver it to the electrical grid. Broken parts can cause a loss of efficiency or make your solar panels stop working completely.

Yet many of these electrical components are fragile, and animals that like to chew and scratch are often enough to damage them. Because the warranties on most solar panel arrays do not include animal damage, it is important to take steps to protect your panels from:

  • Droppings – Droppings on solar panels block the sun and make the panels less efficient. Underneath the panels, the droppings can harbor bacteria, create odors, and corrode metallic elements.
  • Damage to Wires – Rodents that chew wires or birds that get tangled in wires can cause shorting, disconnected wires, or deterioration. If the damage is bad enough, your company may need to replace wires or panels.
  • Scratches on Panels – The backs of solar panels, which are exposed to any animals living underneath them, are often fragile. Animals moving underneath them can easily cause scratches. Scratches to the front panel are less likely, especially because birds usually will not land there.
  • Fire Risk – The combination of damaged wiring and flammable bird nest materials puts you at risk of a fire if something sparks. Even if there is no damage to wires, the combustible materials are not something you want on your roof.

All of these can lead to a decrease in power production. For some homeowners, watching their power output drop is their first indication they have a problem. Without this sign, animals are hard to spot beneath solar panels and may be able to maintain a nest there for months.

There is also a chance of damage to the roof beneath the panels if animals build nests. Even small birds can create heavy nests and cause a build up of debris that stresses the roof underneath. Left long enough, the weight could cause structural damage. The droppings from birds also contain uric acid, a corrosive substance that will eat away at the shingles.

Many homeowners will try to combat pest damage to solar panels with a periodic visual check under their panels. If they see a dark spot, they try to knock any debris or nests loose. This may offer a temporary solution, but it leaves you unprotected in between checks and puts you at risk of scratching the panels yourself as you try to remove debris.

Why Choose Yonkers Pest Control

Yonkers Termite and Pest Control provide advanced pest and wildlife removal solutions. We are based locally and work with residential and commercial properties in Yonkers, the Bronx, and New Rochelle. You can count on us to protect your investment in alternative power with our:

  • Local Team – As a local company, our wildlife professionals know what risks are specific to our area. They have experience with pest species in Yonkers and can let you know about risk factors, even if you have not seen animals under your solar panels before. Being local also means we can get to you fast when you have pest concerns.
  • Affordable Prices – By using high quality pest treatments and wildlife abatement methods, we can solve a pest problem fast and with fewer visits. This saves us on costs, and we pass those costs onto our customers.
  • Experienced Wildlife Specialists – Our team undergoes extensive training and has years of first hand experience in working with and preventing wildlife problems. They also treat your property like their own so that you can be sure of a quality job every time.

Our full service wildlife solutions can also include animal removal if pests have already nested beneath your solar panels. If we do need to remove animals, we have humane and effective services that we provide in accordance with all NY state laws.

Get Started by Calling Yonkers Pest

You have invested thousands of dollars in your solar power system. Now it is important to make sure that it continues to work optimally, and that requires keeping wildlife away from sensitive components. Our solar panel pest proofing in Yonkers is the most effective and affordable way to keep harmful pests and debris from accumulating beneath your solar panels. We can protect rooftop solar panels at your property. Call us at (914) 295-0529 to get a cost estimate for your property.