Rodent Control

Despite their small size, rodents are one of the most dangerous and damaging wildlife pests in Yonkers. They spread a number of diseases and their droppings and aggressive chewing can leave you with property damage long after the rodents are gone. With these risks, an infestation of mice or rats should always be handled as soon as you see rodents scurry across your floor or hear squeaking from within your walls. 

The best local rodent control company in Yonkers,  we provide residential and commercial pest control to properties throughout Yonkers, the Bronx, New Rochelle, and the surrounding area, all using proven control and prevention techniques. When you have a rodent problem, you want removed fast, call us at (914) 295-0529 for expert service at affordable prices. 

Why Rodents are a Problem in Yonkers

There are four species of mice and rats that are most often the cause of an infestation at homes and businesses in Yonkers:

  • House Mouse
  • Deer Mouse
  • Roof Rat
  • Norway Rat

These rodents go into homes looking for food, as well as shelter from cold weather and predators. The close proximity of homes and businesses in Yonkers means that there is often plenty of food for rats and mice to find. Open pantries, food crumbs, and trash can sustain rodents and their ability to move between connected properties makes it possible for rodents to find food while living almost anywhere. 

For shelter, they will build their nest in different parts of your home. As the name implies, roof rats tend to live in attics and upper floors, as do house mice. Norway rats prefer basements and lower floors. In some houses, infestations of different species can exist alongside each other as rats are extremely territorial and will keep to their own parts of the building.

Once inside, most rodents will also breed at a rapid pace, increasing the number of mice or rats that are causing problems such as:

  • Droppings – Rodents leave droppings and urine behind in every place they nest or travel throughout a building. These droppings can carry bacteria, damage surfaces, and cause odors that attract pests like flies and roaches as well.
  • Bacteria and Disease – Local rodent species in Yonkers can spread diseases like hantavirus, salmonella, rat-bite fever, E. coli, and more. They transmit the bacteria and viruses for these illnesses through their droppings, oils in their fur, skin cells, and saliva.
  • Property Damage – Mice are notorious chewers, and many rats will chew as well. Their targets can be insulation, drywall, plastics, and wiring, which can lead to a fire risk. Staining and moisture from droppings can also damage walls, floors, and insulation.

Because of their preferred nesting spots above ceilings, behind walls, and underneath buildings, a rodent infestation can be difficult to locate. Unfortunately you also want to neutralize a rodent infestation as soon as possible. Knowing the signs of rodents can help you schedule professional pest control as soon as you suspect an infestation. The signs homeowners most frequently notice are droppings in corners and along walls, or noises such as squeaking and scratching that tend to get louder at dusk.

If you have noticed either of these signs or have actually or have seen a mouse or rat, Yonkers Termite and Pest can find and eliminate the entire nest.

How Mice and Rats Get into Local Homes

Rodents do not force their way into buildings. Instead, they use various cracks and holes that develop over time. Here in Yonkers and the Bronx, many of the local buildings are older and natural shifting, worn siding, and other wear and tear on buildings can cause holes around:

  • Foundation
  • Pipes
  • Vents
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Chimneys
  • Roofs

These holes also do not need to be especially or do not need to be large in order to accommodate a rodent. House mice can get through a crack that is 1/4 inch wide. Norway rats, the biggest of the rodent invaders at 16 inches, can squeeze their bodies through holes that are only ½ inch in diameter.

Almost all properties will have holes of some sort if you have never undergone an exclusion process. These holes are why DIY rodent trapping is often ineffective. Although you can frequently catch mice and rats living on your property with commercial traps, so long as the holes remain, additional rodents can continue coming in.

Rodent Extermination from Yonkers Termite & Pest Control

The first step in removal at Yonkers Termite & Pest is to get rid of mice and rats living on the property.

This helps limit immediate health risks and make sure that rodents can not do any further damage. To exterminate rats and mice, we use:

  • Inspection – Based on signs and sightings you have noticed, we determine where rodents are living and any paths they are routinely traveling. This allows us to get the most efficient trap placement.
  • Install Baited Traps – We use the latest traps and training for removing rodents. We are able to place them in locations rodents will frequent with the correct bait to work as quickly as possible.
  • Follow Up – We follow up to remove captured rodents and track the progress of extermination until we can be certain that there are no more rats or mice remaining.

Because we know that you want to get rid of rodents as quickly as possible when they are living in your home, we offer 24 hour service. If you are startled by a rodent day or night, you can contact us immediately and we can have one of our pest professionals at your home quickly to get started on the removal process.

Other Rodent Control Services

Another key step in rodent control is exclusion. This involves closing off any holes that rodents can use to get inside homes. Depending on the type of hole, we may install mesh screens, caulking, or suggest more extensive repairs to your property.

We can provide exclusion after removing rodents from an infestation or as a preventative measure before you have even noticed rodents in your home. As a prevention technique, it is a humane method of rodent control since it physically keeps rodents away instead of having to exterminate them once they get on the property. It is also effective against other insects and wildlife pests who will not be able to get in after exclusion.

Commercial Services for Rodent Control

The many commercial properties in Yonkers face a significant threat from rodents. These properties often have plenty of food available which can be difficult to control in larger properties or where busy kitchens or lunch rooms are present.

Yet mice and rats in your business are a cause for concern with the potential for them to spread disease and the risk of violating health department codes. We offer rapid and discreet extermination and rodent exclusion services at:

  • Restaurants and Cafes
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Supermarkets
  • Retailers
  • Entertainment Venues
  • Schools
  • Healthcare Facilities, and More

We are also the top choice for rodent control at multifamily residential properties in Yonkers. We work with property managers, building supers, and HOAs to manage rodents and keep them out in apartment buildings, town homes, condos, and co-ops.

Why Property Owners in Yonkers Call Yonkers Termite & Pest for Rodent Control

Professional rodent control from Yonkers Termite and Pest Control is the fastest way to get rid of rodents and keep them out. Our leading services are due in part to our advanced pest control technology and skills. We maintain rodent removal solutions that are on the forefront of pest management science.

Beyond our dependable solutions, you can also rely on us to offer:

  • 24/7 Service – Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you with rodent problems the moment you notice them. 
  • Competitive Prices – We keep our prices low by providing effective service with efficient processes. This is possible because we rely on the latest rodent control methods and years of experience.
  • Professional Service – We know the risk factors of rats and mice, from the things that attract them to the places they like to hide. We can pinpoint issues and tailor our rodent control methods accordingly.

Yonkers Termite & Pest is dedicated to providing full service pest control with options for termites, wildlife, and insects throughout our local area. Based in Yonkers, we also serve the Bronx and New Rochelle with friendly local service that will give you peace of mind against rodents.

Contact Us at the First Sign of Mice and Rats

A mouse or rat is the last pest most people want to see at their home or business. But our team is here to help so that you never have to deal with mice and rats on your own. Our goal is to identify, capture and prevent rodents to guarantee you that your family is safe and your home is protected against damage. If you suspect rodents or want to get a head start in preventing this common Yonkers pest from causing problems at your home, call us today at (914) 295-0529.