Mosquito Control

Yonkers and the surrounding areas like the Bronx and New Rochelle have some of the highest mosquito populations in the country. But if you live or own a business in Yonkers, you likely already know this. It probably seems like you cannot step outside your home between April and October without coming inside with several irritating mosquito bites. If mosquitoes have gotten bad enough around your property, you may find yourself unable to enjoy your yard or patio. 

Yonkers Termite & Pest Control is a local mosquito control company in Yonkers that can help you reclaim your outdoor areas from biting pests. We have solutions for mosquito extermination and prevention that can help you manage mosquitoes all summer long. Get started with an affordable quote for mosquito abatement at your property by calling us at (914) 295-0529.

How Our Mosquito Control Services in Yonkers Work

Mosquitoes are a resilient pest, especially here in Yonkers, where high summer temperatures and high ambient humidity creates an ideal environment for them. Once mosquitoes become active in late spring, they quickly begin breeding on local property using water to lay eggs. This leads to a cyclic problem as summer long as mosquito populations grow.

Rather than a single solution for mosquito abatement, we take several factors into account. We look at how extensive the infestation is, the location of your property, any surrounding open space, the size of your yard, and the characteristics of mosquito populations in a given year. We can then devise a mosquito treatment plan that will significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes around your property.

In order to do this most effectively, we can use everything from specific mosquito treatments to habitat management, providing an integrated pest management solution to help you deal with mosquitoes around your property.

Professional Yonkers Mosquito Abatement 

Mosquitoes are slightly different from other insects in terms of their lifecycle and require treatments that target them specifically for a successful extermination. These mosquito extermination treatments come in several different forms that we can use individually or in combination depending on the specific challenges of your infestation.

We can adapt all of our mosquito solutions to properties of any size. Safe natural ingredients and a focused application also enable us to be sure that we are treating mosquitoes effectively without causing any risks to people on your property.

The various mosquito control treatments we have available include:

  • Adulticide Mosquito Treatments – One of our most used mosquito solutions, the adulticides work against adult mosquitoes hiding in bushes and grasses around the exterior of your home. This reduces the number of biting mosquitoes and mosquitoes that can lay eggs.
  • Growth Inhibitor Treatments – We add growth inhibitors to water where mosquitoes larvae may live. These treatments prevent larvae from ever maturing into adults, giving you longer lasting results than only adulticide treatment.
  • Larvicide Treatments – This is another treatment that targets larvae in water. They kill larvae but are not usually toxic for other animals. These can reduce mosquito breeding if you have permanent standing water around that cannot be removed.

For mosquito control that lasts all summer long, we provide multiple visits. Weather and time will naturally cause treatments to fade. By visiting every couple of months to refresh treatment, we make it so that there is no lapse in control and mosquitoes do not have a chance to start breeding on your property again.

Alternatively, if you are looking for immediate but short term relief from mosquitoes, a one time mosquito abatement can be a good choice. This is ideal for outside events and parties. Scheduling mosquito control from Yonkers Pestshortly before your event will instantly kill adult mosquitoes and reduce the risk of you and your guests being bitten during an outdoor party.

Using Integrated Pest Control Against Mosquitoes 

Taking steps around your yard to reduce mosquito habitats can further supplement regular mosquito

treatments by making your yard less attractive to insects as treatments wear off. Many homeowners who are not receiving professional mosquito treatments will also practice these techniques to get some relief from mosquitoes.

The challenge is that the average homeowner does not know every place that a mosquito could hide or lay eggs. When you work with our knowledgeable team at Yonkers Termite and Pest, we:

  • Identify Breeding Zones – Our years of providing mosquito control in Yonkers makes it possible for our technicians to find areas of standing water that might otherwise be missed. 
  • Locate Hiding Spaces – We also locate hiding spaces for adult mosquitoes in the vegetation around your property or other areas where moisture and shade are present.
  • Provide Prevention Tips – After an evaluation of your property, wec provide a report that tells you which areas to focus on if you want to make your home less hospitable to mosquitoes.

At some properties, reducing breeding and living spaces for mosquitoes can be enough to help keep them under control. But often mosquitoes in Yonkers are so aggressive that integrated pest management that includes both habitat control and mosquito treatments is the most effective.

Mosquitoes and Their Risks in Yonkers

Not all mosquitoes are considered pests. Many mosquito species predominantly feed on other animals such as birds, or prefer to lay their eggs in a different environment. However, there are two species that are perfectly adapted to the urban surroundings of Yonkers and the Bronx:

  • Common House Mosquito – This mosquito is part of the Culex family that lays their eggs on the surface of standing water and is responsible for West Nile virus.
  • Asian Tiger Mosquito – Part of the Aedes family, these mosquitoes are an invasive species that came to the area in the 1980s. It bites both day and night, and lays its eggs in soil or containers that will later be flooded during rain.

While the species that bite people in Yonkers are primarily limited to these two, the risks of mosquitoes still remain extremely high. The common house mosquito is a vector for West Nile Virus and at least several dozen cases occur in the area every year. St. Louis Encephalitis, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Zika Virus, and Dengue are other mosquito-borne illnesses that can result from a bite from an infected mosquito.

Beyond the disease risk, mosquito bites are also one of summer’s greatest annoyances. The allergic reaction to the mosquito’s saliva causes that familiar red bump and constant itchiness. It generally goes away after a couple of days, but the number of mosquitoes in Yonkers likely means you will only get more bites the next time you venture outside.

Why Do Local Yard Have Mosquito Infestations?

The house mosquito and Asian Tiger mosquito use small areas of standing water as their breeding grounds. These most often occur in yards when the rain water from summer storms in Yonkers collects in various containers left outside, such as:

  • Dog Bowls
  • Bird Baths
  • Buckets
  • Trash
  • Yard Waste

Even if you do not have a yard in Yonkers, clogged gutters and mud puddles around your property can provide enough space for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. In fact, a mosquito can lay 100 eggs in the space the size of a plastic bottle cap, so many of the places where mosquitoes are breeding can be hard to spot.

The other factor that attracts mosquitoes are overgrown bushes, grasses, and trees. Mosquitoes have delicate bodies that can be easily dehydrated by direct sunlight. To avoid this, mosquitoes try to spend as much time as possible in the shade. If your yard has gone several weeks without some upkeep, a large number of hiding spaces can make it a haven for mosquitoes.

What Makes Yonkers Termite & Pest the Best Team for a Mosquito-Free Property?

Mosquitos can be everything from an irritant to a significant local health concern and the fact that they are particularly aggressive requires the mosquito control solutions to be comprehensive. At Yonkers Termite &Pest, we rely on years of experience, the latest science backed treatments, and attention to detail to be sure that we can provide effective mosquito control.

We service both residential and commercial properties in Yonkers Bronx New Rochelle, where our customers can depend on our:

  • Eco-Friendly Solutions – Many of our mosquito treatments are derived from natural ingredients. This makes them safe to use around your property, even if you have children or pets.
  • Affordable Prices – With our range of mosquito treatment options and commitment to low prices, we can help you manage mosquitoes within your budget.
  • Local Expertise – We have worked in Yonkers for years and seen the challenges mosquitoes pose. We have also determined the best ways to minimize the nuisance and stay up to date on annual news around mosquitoes.

In addition to expert service at an unbeatable price, we are also a professional team that puts your satisfaction first. Our round the clock schedule means we can provide emergency pest control when you need it, and our full service solutions work for all of the termites, insects, and wildlife that cause problems at local properties. Our team is also professional, friendly, and focused on getting the job done right from start to finish.

Get Rid of Mosquitoes Today – Call Yonkers Pest

If mosquitoes have seemed like an unavoidable reality at your property throughout the summer, Yonkers Termite and Pest Control can help you get your outdoor space back. Contact us today to learn how our range of mosquito control techniques can work for your home and get a personalized quote on any of our services.