Fly Control

Where there is rotten food, trash, sewage, or remains, you often do not have to look far to also find flies. These buzzing pests survive on decaying organic matter, often coming into contact with the thousands of bacteria that live in this environment. When something on your property in Yonkers is attracting flies, the constantly swarming pests and the risk of disease means you need to take effective action fast.

Yonkers Termite & Pest Control has comprehensive pest solutions that eliminate flies of all types, from biting horse flies to tiny fruit flies. With a friendly and knowledgeable team, 24/7 service, and competitive prices, you can rely on our team for the leading pest treatments in Yonkers. Call us at (914) 295-0529 to begin the process with a free quote.

Our Strategies for Removing Flies

Fly removal requires more than just getting rid of the flies we can see. As pest control experts, we understand that a fly infestation is often a far more extensive problem. We start by identifying the fly species in your home. This helps us understand what may have attracted them, and guide you through removing the source.

The next step for fly control is treatment. Again, we want to target more than the adult flies you see. We also address any eggs that flies may have laid around your home and fly larvae, also called maggots. By including flies at these various life stages, we can be sure that you will not have another fly problem as the eggs and larvae grow.

Our treatments for flies are backed by the latest science to work fast and effectively. They are eco-friendly as well, making them safe for use around you and your family. We design a targeted treatment plan based on the type of infestation, what attracts flies, where they are congregating, and where eggs may be present.

We offer fly control solutions on both a one time and ongoing basis with:

  • Fly Extermination – When you have dozens or even hundreds of flies buzzing around your property, you simply need to get rid of them fast. Our extermination services identify the cause of fly activity so that you and our team can fix the issue, reducing the risk that flies will return. Then we apply fly treatments that eliminate both the adult flies and maggots until your home is free of pests.
  • Ongoing Pest Control – The other solution for dealing with flies is seasonal pest control. This method is preventative once we have any existing fly populations under control. With regular monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly visits, we reapply treatments around the exterior of your property to continue to deter flies from getting in. 

Another benefit of ongoing pest control is that the service is effective against many of the spiders and insects in the area, minimizing the chance you will have an infestation on your property. Ongoing pest control alongside good cleaning practices can keep flies away from your home all year long.

How Local Properties Get Flies

The reasons a specific property has flies will vary depending on the species of fly. There are thousands of different types of flies, including hundreds that live in Yonkers and the surrounding area. Knowing what attracts each type can help determine treatment and prevention solutions. The local fly species that often require pest treatment in Yonkers are:

  • House Flies – One of the most common pests in homes throughout the world, the house fly is a frequent pest at Yonkers properties. These flies are often about a quarter of an inch long with a grey body. They often live and lay their eggs in garbage.
  • Fruit Flies – These are the little flies you often see hovering around old fruits and vegetables or sweet foods. They feed on fermenting organic material, which happens when produce rots on your counter, in the trash, or in compost bins. Fruit flies get into kitchens as hitchhikers on produce.
  • Drain Flies – This is another small fly with a more rounded body that appears to be hairy. They feed on excrement and food residue in drains, and will lay their eggs in the damp film that builds up on around drains. 
  • Fungus Gnats – Fungus gnats feed on fungus, like mushrooms and mold, that grows in damp areas. They tend to live primarily outdoors around moist soil where fungal growth most often occurs, but can move inside if your property is excessively damp.
  • Cluster Flies – This carnivorous fly eats earthworms rather than trash, and so they primarily live outside.  They become an issue in the winter when they seek out shelter from the cold by living in walls, attics, and other confined spaces inside homes.
  • Blow Flies – A fly with an iridescent body is often a blow fly. These flies feed on decaying remains, and lay their eggs inside the remains. Often a large number of blow flies in your home, you may have a dead animal.

There are other species of flies in the area, such as horse flies and black flies, that are less common inside homes. Their preferences are for wooded areas, stables, and swampy areas, so 

For other fly species, regular cleaning and eliminating damp conditions can assist you in preventing many types. But flies can scent out even small areas of food, and other species may be seeking shelter or are brought in on infested produce. This makes it nearly impossible for the majority of homes and businesses in Yonkers to completely prevent fly infestations.

Problems with Flies on Properties in Yonkers

Flies are so common that many people merely swat them away and forget about them. If you only have one fly or two that get in through an open door, this may be enough since the risk of any significant problems is low.

The problem with flies is that populations will rarely stay low, and whatever attracted flies to your home in the first place will soon bring more. Meanwhile, flies are also breeding. The average house fly will live for a month, and during that time lay over 500 eggs. As the number of flies increase, so do the potential health problems and overall nuisance of swatting flies away.

The health problems come from the bacteria flies carry. Because flies eat often from trash, decaying animals, and excrement, as well as pantry foods, they will ingest hundreds of bacteria. These bacteria can then shed onto the next surface the fly lands on. The fly may also regurgitate food it had previously eaten when they land. This means every time a fly lands, it can leave bacteria behind and contaminate the surface.

Among the diseases flies leave behind are E. coli and salmonella. They also cause dysentery, tuberculosis, and cholera. Contracting a disease from a fly is rare, especially considering the number of bacteria they carry, but the present risk and the annoyance of flies makes it worthwhile to contact a local pest control company when flies or their maggots are in your home.

Commercial Fly Control in Yonkers

Businesses often have a high risk of attracting flies, particularly if there is any food prep or processing happening. But offices, retailers, schools, healthcare facilities, and more can all face problems with flies as well wherever there is food, trash, sewage leaks, or animal remains present.

The health challenges with flies make them a significant problem for any business. Their potential for spreading disease and their reputation for being “gross” will make them an issue for customers, employees, building tenants, and the health board.

Our commercial fly control can get rid of flies and keep them away with seasonal pest control. To meet the needs of properties of any size, we have scalable pest solutions. We also have 24 hour scheduling to plan our visits and services at the right times to keep your pest control needs discrete.

Why Trust your Pest Control to Yonkers Termite & Pest?

At Yonkers Pest, we have years of experience in the pest control industry, and the local knowledge that lets us know exactly how to approach bug problems at Yonkers properties. We have extensive training in the most effective methods for removing flies. But beyond that, we also know how uncomfortable it can be sharing your space with insects, and are dedicated to making you feel comfortable and safe in your home.

We serve our customers in Yonkers, the Bronx, and New Rochelle with:

  • Adaptable Pest Control – Our wide array of pest control services can be tailored to meet your property needs, budget, and the requirements for your infestation whether you want immediate relief from a fly infestation or long lasting protection against all bugs.
  • 24/7 Emergency Service – We work around the clock to solve pest issues. While flies may not need an emergency response generally, our 24 hour scheduling offers flexibility for businesses and immediate services for more dangerous pests.
  • Reasonable Prices – By relying on up-to-date treatments that work fast and require fewer applications, we are able to offer the same effective services at a more affordable cost.

You can also rely on our team for more than fly control. Our seasonal pest control includes many of the insects that infest homes, apartments, businesses, and other properties in the local area. Our wildlife control, termite control, and bed bug control provides the options you need to make Yonkers Termite & Pest Control the only team of pest professionals you need in Yonkers.

Get Rid of Flies – Contact Our Team Today

Flies are a year round pest in Yonkers, New Rochelle, and the Bronx. You can expect an increase in outdoor fly activity and indoor fly infestations in summer when warm weather creates an ideal environment. But indoor infestations are also common in winter as flies move inside to escape dropping temperatures.

Yonkers Termite & Pest Control has fly treatments that meet the needs of local properties all year long. Our flexibility in everything from treatments to scheduling, and our expertise in pest control in our area, enables us to eliminate flies on your property. Get a quote for fly control at your property when you call Yonkers Termite & Pest Control.