Cockroach Control

Roaches are among the most common insect pests in Yonkers – and one of the hardest to get rid of. Our local urban environment makes it easy for roaches to move from one property to the next as their numbers grow, using food crumbs, trash, and any available water to sustain them along the way. When resources are scarce, roaches can hold out for weeks, making cleaning and DIY treatments largely ineffective.

Yonkers Termite & Pest Control is the best cockroach control service in Yonkers, Bronx, and New Rochelle. Our team has the experience to find where roaches are hiding in your residential or commercial property, and the advanced treatments necessary to exterminate these resilient pests. For expert assistance in removing or preventing roaches, call us at (914) 295-0529.

Roach Types that Live in Yonkers Properties

There are 7 different species of roaches living in New York, but only 4 of those lead to infestations inside residential and commercial properties. These 4 have come to at least partially rely on our homes and businesses as a source of food and water, although they each have different characteristics that determine how an infestation will impact your property:

  • American Cockroaches – American roaches are one of the most frequent causes of infestations despite preferring outdoor habitats. Cold weather and ample food indoors often pushes them inside. They are a larger roach at about 3 inches long with a reddish tone. In homes, they like the humidity of bathrooms and kitchens.
  • German Cockroaches – Another common invader, these roaches are smaller than American roaches and have a lighter brown coloring. They have wings, but often stay on the ground since they are fast runners. An infestation of German roaches tends to be much larger than others, since a single pregnant roach can lead to 300,000 more roaches within a year.
  • Oriental Cockroaches – This roach is less likely to be inside your home, but will live in well hidden areas like wall voids and basements when they infest a property. They are nearly black with a reddish tint and measure between 1 and 2 inches.
  • Brown Banded Cockroaches – Getting their name from two light brown bands around their bodies, which are usually dark brown, brown banded cockroaches are the smallest of the roaches that come into homes at ½ inch long. Their size can make them even more difficult to detect.

There are a few other types of roaches that live outdoors in New York, but they are not a cause of roach infestations. They might get inside by accident, but they will likely die in a few days without laying eggs or causing problems.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to tell the harmless roaches apart from one of the pest species. Even the 4 pest pieces have many similarities that can make attempting to get rid of roaches on your own a struggle. Calling out a professional from Yonkers Pest can help you be sure what species of roaches you are dealing with. We can also determine how roaches got in and seal up holes to avoid attracting additional pests.

What Risks Cockroaches Bring to Your Home

Roaches can come inside on their own, pushing their way through tiny holes that develop around foundations, windows, doors, and pipes, or they may hitch a ride in on a box or bag that is coming from another infested property. Once inside, as long as they can find food and water, roaches will stay and start to breed.

Food sources are numerous in most Yonkers properties. Grease residue in the kitchen, open trash cans, and unseen crumbs around your house can sustain a cockroach. For water, humidity in rooms like kitchens and bathrooms or the drip from a leaking faucet is ideal. Because it is difficult to prevent many of these food and water sources, almost any home or commercial property in Yonkers is at risk for roaches

A single roach can also quickly turn into a large problem. The average female roach will live for a year and lay eggs every three to four weeks, causing the population to expand rapidly. Cockroaches can be very difficult to find. They are generally active at night when you are asleep. During the day, they are well hidden inside pipes, underneath appliances, and behind cabinets.

As their numbers grow, so does your exposure to various health hazards in your home such as:

  • Bacteria – Roaches host hundreds of different bacterias that can spread through their skin, oils they secrete, and feces. This means anywhere a roach walks could have bacteria left behind, and coming into contact with it can cause disease. Some of the most common bacteria on roaches are E. coli, Salmonellosis, and the bacteria that causes cholera.
  • Allergies – The debris that roaches leave behind – skin, droppings, and oils – can trigger allergic reactions in some people. These are similar to spring allergies or a cold in terms of symptoms, but will often last as long as cockroaches are on the property, and get worse as time goes on.
  • Asthma Attacks – For people who have asthma, the allergy symptoms can irritate the respiratory system and cause an asthma attack if the cockroach infestation is well established.

Because of their ability to hide and their resiliency, it is very difficult to eliminate an infestation of roaches on your own. By the time you see a single roach, there may already be hundreds or even thousands more elsewhere on the property. 

Since roaches can live for up to a month without food, an in depth cleaning around your home is often not effective enough to remove them. Some roaches have also been able to develop a resistance to various chemicals that have historically been used to treat them. Commercially available roach sprays and baits may have little to no effect on roaches around your home if you have an especially resilient infestation.

Our Roach Control Services at Yonkers Pest

Yonkers Termite & Pest Control has the most effective solutions to keep roaches from spreading further on your property or to properties nearby. If you have noticed roaches around your house or seen signs like dead bugs and discarded skins, we can be at your property fast to evaluate the situation and begin the appropriate treatment.

Because of the risks roaches cause, prevention is also a top method for roach control. At Yonkers Termite & Pest, we offer seasonal control that covers roaches as well as other pests that regularly infest properties in the area. Our seasonal pest control uses regular visits, usually bi-monthly or quarterly, to apply and refresh roach repellent treatments around the exterior of your property.

We apply treatment in the areas where roaches are most likely to find an entrance, resulting in an invisible barrier around your home that cockroaches and other insects do not cross. Each visit is also a chance for our technician to identify any potential problems in the early stages. Receiving regular visits throughout the year can help you avoid infestations for good.

Commercial Roach Control in Yonkers

Cockroaches on any property are an unpleasant visitor, but they are a serious concern for commercial properties. Not only are many commercial properties in Yonkers more likely to attract roaches with easy access to food and undisturbed places to hide, but the health risks make dealing with roaches at business your top priority. Cockroaches can upset customers and any revealed during a health department inspection can lead to penalties or even an order to cease operations.

For these reasons Yonkers Pest recommends seasonal pest control for commercial properties to reduce the risk that you will ever have to deal with roaches.

However, we also know that not every situation can be planned for and an infestation can catch you by surprise. Our emergency pest control services can get to your commercial property fast and provide discreet roach control to eliminate roaches before they can become a bigger issue. 

Why Choose Yonkers Termite & Pest Control?

The pest control services available at Yonkers, from our effective termite treatments to our state of the art solutions for cockroaches, make us the pest control company you can turn to whenever you have a concern with insects. Our team of friendly technicians are ready to answer all of your questions and provide services that are:

  • Eco-Friendly – We have options for eco-friendly pest treatments that do not contain ingredients that are toxic for adults, children, and animals on your property.
  • Affordable – Our reliance on effective treatments and our attention to detail the first time we do a job means that we can keep our rates affordable. We also give you a quote before we get started so you know what to expect.
  • Guaranteed – When we are through, you can trust that your roach infestation is gone. If you are receiving seasonal pest control and roaches manage to break the protective barrier, we can visit between treatments for additional treatment.

In addition, our limited service area of Yonkers, New Rochelle, and the Bronx makes it possible for us to get to your property quickly for emergency pest control and all other visits.

Get Started Today – Call Yonkers Pest

Yonkers Pest has the effective solutions needed to get rid of cockroaches at local properties and keep them away. Avoid stressing out over roaches and putting your family at risk by contacting us at the first sign of an infestation and let us handle all of your pest problems.