Pest Control in the Bronx from Yonkers Termite & Pest Control

Urban areas like the Bronx have unique pest control issues. Close living spaces can result in plentiful food sources for insect and wildlife pests, and make it easy for pests to spread from one home to another. Coupled with the humid conditions and warm summers that are common in New York, most properties are at risk for a pest infestation at some point.

If you have pests crawling around your home and business, call Yonkers Termite & Pest Control immediately. We are a local pest control company in the Bronx with emergency services, long lasting preventative treatments, and wildlife control solutions for all of this area’s pests. Learn more about our services or get a quote today by contacting our team at (914) 295-0529.

Who We Are – The Leading Pest Control Company in the Bronx

Yonkers Termite & Pest Control is dedicated to expert pest control service. We are a local team that supports our neighborhood customers with a friendly team armed with the latest technology and training in pest control. You can count on us to consistently provide:

  • 24/7 Pest Control Service – Some pest invasions need immediate attention, and we are here for you when that happens. We have 24 emergency service for all your immediate pest needs, and rapid service for all other pest problems.
  • Affordable Rates – We keep our services affordable by using the latest technologies and treatments, and through our attention to detail. This makes it possible for us to provide better service over fewer visits, saving your costs.
  • Eco-Friendly Treatments – Nearly all of the pests we treat have an option for eco-friendly pest control. These can include natural treatments, chemical free treatments, and treatments that are nontoxic to adults, children, and pets that may be at your property.

We provide our pest control at all types of properties in the Bronx. Our services for single family homes and condo owners will give you the peace of mind of a pest free home. We also work with property owners, property managers, and building supers at multi family properties and commercial buildings to provide cost-effective pest control with today’s most comprehensive methods.

Termite Control

One of our specialties at Yonkers Termite & Pest Control is our advanced termite treatments. Termites in our area are extremely destructive, targeting any property where wood is available. The main danger with termites is that they often go undetected for months, or even years. During this time, the damage they cause continues to grow.

We offer multiple services to effectively limit termite damage, including:

  • Termite Inspections – Annual termite inspections enable us to find termite damage in the first months after termites have moved in, preventing damage from ever becoming extensive. We can also arrange an inspection if you have noticed signs of wood destroying pests on your own.
  • Termite Treatments – Our termite treatments include soil treatments, baits, and termiticides. This range of solutions lets us match our treatment plan to the severity of the infestation, avoiding any unnecessary expenses or hassle for you.
  • Prevention Steps – Between treatments and habitat management, we can help you make your home less attractive for termites to keep swarmers from establishing their colonies near your property in the spring.

With this array of termite services, we can customize a plan to your specific property and budget to minimize your costs in dealing with termites.

Pest Control and Ongoing Management

The pests that most homeowners worry about year round are often referred to as seasonal pests. Different species are active at various times of the year. Stinging insects, ants, and flies are common summer pests in the Bronx, while roaches, centipedes, earwigs, and stink bugs are often problems in the wintertime when they come inside as temperatures cool off.

This range of pest activity can threaten your home and yard all year long. At Yonkers Termite & Pest Control, we respond to any pest problems at your home with:

  • One Time Visits
  • Monthly Pest Control
  • Bi-Monthly Pest Control
  • Quarterly Pest Control

All of our seasonal pest control treatments are long lasting. Unless your property is extremely high risk for pests, our up to date methods can often provide several weeks of protection from bugs and spiders, resulting in cost savings for you without risking protection against pests.

Bed Bug Control

Infestations of bed bugs are a rising problem in many New York City boroughs, including the Bronx. This pests moves easily from property to property by hitchhiking on clothing, furniture, boxes, and other items, meaning a single infestation can quickly lead to dozens more. Since bed bugs are also good hiders and adaptive, they can be difficult to eradicate without the right professional tools.

Yonkers Termite & Pest Control has a range of solutions for bed bugs. We have affordable and safe bed bug treatments that work for the majority of homes and properties. For commercial properties like hotels, schools, and others that require more aggressive solutions, heat treatments are an effective way to eliminate an extensive infestation.

Rodent and Wildlife Control

Many wild animals have adapted to depend on the shelter, food, and trash produced by people, making areas like the Bronx attractive for:

  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Squirrels
  • Birds
  • Bats
  • Raccoons, and More

The problem is that when these animals are living in your home or business, they can lead to significant challenges. Many forms of wildlife are hosts for bacteria and diseases that they can spread to people in proximity. Animals will often create messes with their droppings or by getting into trash, and can do more lasting damage by chewing and scratching.

Our wildlife removal and emergency pest control services offer humane methods for managing animal invasions at your property. Services like trapping and extermination can remove animals already present, and animal cleanup can remove any animal remains, droppings, or other leftover messes. We also offer wildlife exclusion and deterrent installation to decrease the chances of animals getting in.

Services for Commercial Properties

Pest control services from Yonkers Pest meet the needs of businesses, offices, schools, healthcare, and other commercial properties. Any issues with pests at these properties can result in:

  • Penalties for health code violations.
  • Negative reviews and reputation from customers.
  • Employee time spent on cleaning messes from pests.
  • Lost sales and financial loss.

Commercial properties often need immediate help with pests to avoid any negative customer experiences, and our 24 hour service is available to assist your property, including with discreet pest control when necessary. We also have ongoing inspections and preventative pest control to help you avoid dangerous infestations of rodents, cockroaches, flies, and more.

Contact Yonkers Termite & Pest for Any Pest Problem

Seeing bugs, noticing signs of wildlife, or experiencing irritating bug bites can quickly become stressful when you suspect you have an infestation at your property in the Bronx. Yonkers Termite & Pest Control aims to make getting rid of the infestation as stress free as possible. We start by getting an experienced technician to you quickly to assess the situation and develop a treatment plan. Throughout the process, you can trust that we are there to answer any questions and provide exceptional service until we know pests are gone.

Begin the pest removal process with our team today. Give us a call or send a message through our online contact form.