Bed Bug Control

Up until recently, bed bugs were almost eliminated in Yonkers. Today they are back, and they are infesting homes, apartments, businesses, and other properties in large numbers. If you have woken up with bites on your arms and chest or have noticed certain signs around furniture in your business, bed bugs could be to blame.

Bed bugs are a pest with a high resistance to extreme conditions – part of the reason for their comeback – and professional treatment is needed to eliminate them. Yonkers Termite & Pest Control offers bed bug control with the most efficient and affordable methods. Our services are available 24/7 for a fast response when you need it. Call us at (914) 295-0529 to get started.

Our Approach to Pest Control in Yonkers

Modern bed bug infestations require modern solutions, and that is where Yonkers Pest Control excels. We are invested in the latest equipment, technology, and methods for eliminating resistant bed bugs, enabling us to get rid of infestations that others cannot.

We pair our state of the art techniques with skilled and highly trained service that has specifically worked with local bed bugs. We are able to exterminate bed bugs with:

  • Advanced solutions that incorporate the latest science and technology.
  • Affordable prices that fit into your budget.
  • Immediate 24-hour services to get bed bugs removed quickly.
  • Guaranteed elimination or we will return for additional treatment.

We work with every type of property, offering commercial and residential bed bug control solutions that can scale to match the size of the infested space.

How Bed Bugs Invade Homes and Businesses

Bed bugs are a hitchhiking pest. Rather than flying to a property where they sense a food source as some of other insects do, bed bugs ride along on objects, letting humans carry them from an infested place to a new location.

Items that bed bugs most often travel on include:

  • Clothing
  • Furniture
  • Mattresses
  • Boxes
  • Luggage

This hitchhiking is the reason that bed bugs could possibly be found in any property. Those that see more turnover of people and their belongings, like hotels, hospitals, and shelters, may have a higher risk of having an infested item introduced, but any home, retail business, restaurant, and more is at risk.

On certain occasions, bed bugs can also crawl between properties. This is more likely if your apartment, condominium, or business is adjacent to an infested property, allowing bed bugs to move between the two by crawling through vents or along wiring.

Bed bugs will usually not be immediately identifiable. Many infestations will be active nocturnally and will hide away during the daytime in the crevices of sheets, headboards, furniture, and other hard to reach places. Bed bugs have a sense to hide if someone approaches, and might run for cover before you can catch sight of them.

There are still some outward signs that you or, if you are a business, your customers might notice. These include:

  • Bites – Bed bug bites often come in a line of three raised red or pink bumps. They may itch for some, but don’t for everyone.
  • Dead Bugs – As the infestation grows and bugs die off, you might find their remains underneath furniture or around headboards.
  • Discarded Skins – Bed bugs shed their skins several times throughout their lives. These skins can collect beneath the areas they inhabit, along baseboard, in corners, or in cobwebs.
  • Droppings – Bed bug droppings can vary from reddish brown to black depending on how fresh they are. They will often be in the folds of sheets or along the piping of mattresses.
  • Musty Odor – A very advanced infestation will give off a persistent musty smell. Infestations are several months old and quite large by the time this happens, so there may be indicators earlier on.

Any of these signs could potentially mean bed bugs or another pest is present, and this is not an issue that will go away without direct treatment. If you’ve noticed bed bugs, signs, or have another reason to suspect that bed bugs are present, it is best to call a pest control company in Yonkers immediately for rapid treatment.

Problems Caused by Bed Bugs in Yonkers

The same sign that often indicates bed bugs – a line of bites – encompasses the physical harm bed bugs can cause. These bites cannot spread disease and are not dangerous unless an individual has a rare severe allergy. The bites do cause intense itching for many people, however, and are an unpleasant reality of sharing space with bed bugs.

The other challenge with bed bugs comes from their resilience. Part of the reason that bed bugs are experiencing a resurgence in places like Yonkers and the Bronx is their ability to survive extreme temperatures, long periods without food, and extermination treatments.

With a rare chance of a bed bug infestation dying out on its own and unreliable bed bug treatments failing to exterminate every last pest, bed bug populations have been allowed to grow and lead to further infestations.

Advanced Bed Bug Treatments

To confront the growing resistance and growing populations of bed bugs in Yonkers, New Rochelle, and the Bronx, Yonkers Termite and Pest Control uses the latest, scientifically proven treatments against bed bugs. Our treatments leave no bed bug, including eggs and nymphs, behind to continue on the infestation.

The key to finding bed bugs is in depth inspection so that we can locate each bug and direct our treatments accordingly. We’ve already said that bed bugs can be hard to find, so our technicians are attentive and use their knowledge and experience to guide their search.

We then make recommendations for the right methods to get rid of bed bugs at your property, taking into consideration how quickly the treatment should work and your budget.

Residential Bed Bug Treatments

Bed bug treatments for single family homes are available in a variety of options so that we can select the one that is matched to how aggressive your infestation is and your budget. Options include:

  • Insecticides – We apply nontoxic insecticides to the places where we locate bed bugs during the infestation. These kill on contact and are safe for your family once dry.
  • Freeze Treatments – Special technology eliminates bed bugs with freezing CO2, providing an effective and chemical free way to remove bed bugs.
  • K9 Bed Bug Inspections – If additional assistance is needed in locating bed bugs, we can use dogs on occasion to sniff out well hidden bugs.

We know that every moment you spend with bed bugs in your home is stressful, so we respond fast with treatments that work quickly. Our 24/7 service can handle bed bugs day or night to get you back to enjoying a good night’s rest without bugs.

Commercial Bed Bug Treatments

Bed bugs in a commercial property are an emergency in most cases. If noticed by your customers, or those customers sustain bites, you could be facing bad reviews, health department complaints, and forced closures. Bed bugs at your business also increase the chances that your customers can spread the pests to other businesses and back to their own home.

The severity of bed bugs requires comprehensive solutions that guarantee bed bug extermination. While we have many options that can be used effectively, heat treatments are what we recommend most often for commercial properties.

The heat treatment method uses extreme high temperatures to kill bed bugs in a single room. Because the heat will reach every hiding space, no bug will be left alive afterwards.

We work with commercial properties of all types and sizes as well as property managers. The array of treatments we offer and our 24-hour service makes us the pest control in Yonkers that can always get rid of bed bugs whenever you need us.

Remove Bed Bugs Fast and Effectively with Yonkers Pest Control

With full service pest control, we exterminate bed bugs with the industry’s leading techniques. We can also help with all of your other pest control needs such as termite control, roaches, wildlife, and more. Our technicians are familiar with all the local pests and trained in the best methods for eliminating them.

For bed bugs or any pest elimination, you can rely on Yonkers Termite and Pest Control to provide fast and effective removal with technicians you can trust. Give us a call today to get a quote or schedule a bed bug extermination service.