Fall Pests to Look Out for in New Rochelle

Fall Pests to Look Out for in New Rochelle

Fall Pests to Look Out for in New Rochelle 150 150 admin

The leaves are changing colors, pumpkins are appearing on door steps, and temperatures are getting cooler. This means we have seen the last of several pests for the season – like mosquitoes and most fly species – but it is time to start preparing for winter pests.

Homes and apartments in New Rochelle are attractive to several insect species in the fall. Wildlife are also common invaders as they look for a warm place to spend the winter. Taking steps against these pests now can help you avoid pest problems throughout the winter and in spring when temperatures warm up again.

Most Common Bugs in Fall Pest Infestations

There is a range of bugs and wildlife that becomes more active in the winter in New Rochelle. While some of these do cause problems at homes all year, you can expect an increased risk in fall as homes often provide a ready source of shelter and food for:

  • Cockroaches – Potentially found in homes all year, winter can bring additional species like the American cockroach and Orient cockroach inside. These pests are a source of bacteria and a difficult one to exterminate once they get inside.
  • House Centipedes – Centipedes can be helpful as they consume other pests like roaches, but their alarming appearance often makes them unwelcome. They will follow other pests inside during wintertime.
  • Stink Bugs – Stink bugs overwinter in homes and then emerge in the spring. To avoid finding your home crawling with them come March and April, it is best to prevent them from coming inside now.
  • Rodents – Mice and rats are another year round pest, but warm homes are especially appealing in the winter. Rodents are also a main cause of illnesses like salmonella, E. coli, and hantavirus, so it is important to keep them away from your food and living areas.
  • Squirrels and Raccoons – As mammals, squirrels and raccoons may use warm spaces in attics, wall voids, garages, and decks as a winter den for hibernation. They are sure to leave a mess behind when they do.

There are a few ways you can limit these pests’ access to your home. The more solutions you try, the more likely that you will enjoy a pest free winter. Ideas include:

  • Seal off any small holes or cracks that a pest could squeeze through.
  • Cover chimneys and vents.
  • Look for any structural damage that leaves your home open to pests.
  • Repair leaks to remove excess moisture sources.
  • Clean kitchens and any room where food is present regularly.
  • Keep trash cans closed and locked, if possible.
  • Pick fall fruits and vegetables in your garden promptly.

Another solution is fall pest control. Yonkers Pest can apply preventative exterior pest control around your home, and make sure you do not have any growing pest populations outdoors that may be tempted to come inside this winter. The treatment we use will add an additional barrier that will keep your home protected for several months. Regular bi-monthly or quarterly visits will ensure your home is protected all winter long and into the spring and summer.

Fall pests are already active and infestations are on the rise, so you will want to make your plan to prevent them as soon as possible. Call Yonkers Termite & Pest Control to get started.