3 Steps to Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Home

3 Steps to Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Home

3 Steps to Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Home 150 150 admin

Yonkers and the Bronx are hotspots for roaches. Our urban setting leads to lots of people living in close proximity, which provides lots of trash, food waste, and water for roaches to thrive on. Even when food and water become scarce, adaptable cockroaches can still survive inside your home.

Yet roaches are one of the last pests many people want to see. They carry disease, spread bacteria, and cause respiratory issues. Once you get an infestation, it is also very difficult to get rid of. Taking steps to prevent cockroaches from coming into your home in the first place is the best way to avoid large scale problems.

Understanding Why Roaches Come into Homes

We’ve already explained that roaches are seeking out food, water, and shelter. The food may be crumbs, grease, unsealed food packages, or trash. For water, a leak or a bathroom with high humidity can be enough to sustain a cockroach.

Cockroaches can get inside one of two ways. Some will crawl in, using tiny holes, cracks in the foundation, and drain pipes. German roaches will also hitchhike and ride in on boxes, bags, or luggage. They can then jump off inside your home and start breeding.

How to Prevent Roaches in Your Home

The most effective way to prevent cockroaches is to address both what attracts roaches and how they get in. You can do this when you:

  • Remove Water and Food Source – Repairing leaks, dehumidifying bathrooms, and regularly cleaning kitchens or any other rooms where food is present will mean fewer cockroaches are attracted to your home.
  • Seal Holes – Inspecting your foundation, windows, doors, and pipes can reveal small cracks. Caulking, mesh, or repairs can eliminate these cracks and make it more difficult for bugs to get inside.
  • Inspect New Items – Before you bring home luggage, used furniture, or boxes, go over them in depth to be sure there are no roaches or other pests clinging to them.

Another option for preventing cockroaches as well as removing any already in your home is professional pest control. Yonkers Termite & Pest Control uses ongoing, bi-monthly or quarterly pest control to prevent pests with a protective barrier. If your DIY roach control has not been successful or you want added protection, call us today to schedule an evaluation.