Wood Destroying Pests in Yonkers

Wood Destroying Pests in Yonkers

Wood Destroying Pests in Yonkers 150 150 admin

When you think of pests that can do damage to wood in Yonkers and New Rochelle, termites are often the first pest that many people think of. It is true it is true that termites in Yonkers cause the majority of

wood damage in the area, but they are not the sole wood destroying insect in our area. 

There are a few other pests you should be aware of if you want to avoid costly damage to your property. 

Types of Local Wood Eating Insects

Wood destroying insects are one of the more troublesome infestations to have for a few reasons. First because the damage they do can be devastating. Homeowners spend thousands each year repairing the damage done by these pests. Additionally, most wood destroying insects are hard to spot since they live and eat inside wood, making it unlikely that you will see the bugs until an infestation has grown excessively.

Knowing what signs to expect and where to look for them is often a necessary tool and managing these insects. The wood destroying insects that threaten local homes and businesses include:

  • Eastern Subterranean Termites – Although there are other insects you need to watch out for, these often do the most damage. Termites live in soil near local homes and businesses where they will eat 24/7 as long as the weather is warm enough. Subterranean termites ordinarily eat hard and soft woods. 
  • Carpenter Ants – This ant species lives inside wood by hollowing out tunnels and galleries in the interior of wood where they live, although they often still continue to feed in nearby kitchens. Carpenter ants prefer rotting wood so any wood that has experienced water damage is especially at risk.
  • Carpenter Bees – Carpenter bees live individually in tunnels they bore out inside wood. Fortunately, this bee is not one that is likely to sting since they only attack when feeling threatened, but their structural damage can still be significant. 
  • Powderpost Beetles – This species of beetle bores through wood to lay eggs inside. Powderpost beetles can take 5 years to reach maturity, at which point they will then bore additional tunnels to exit their hiding spaces.

All of these wood destroying insects can pose significant risks to properties by weakening wood from the inside, often making damage invisible until it has become quite advanced. Staying alert for signs such as holes in wood, piles of what looks like sawdust, discarded wings, and bugs hovering near your home are all good ways to spot a wood destroying pest infestation as quickly as possible. 

When you see any of these signs, contact Yonkers Termite and Pest Control. Our termite treatments and pest control for wood destroying insects can identify and remove potential pest problems before they can get worse. Reach out to our team today to get started.